Helping Newbies with Premium Quality Mylar Bags

Mylar bags are foil packets that are used to store food for longer preservation more than a year. These bags help to protect your food against moisture, bugs from hatching, and also from nutrient loss. The greater opacity of the bag helps to prevent the sunlight from coming in and destroying vitamins such as vitamins A, B, and C. 

For those who are new to the use of mylar bags, it could be confusing for you. The following post will address the confusion of newbies related to mylar bags. Confusions like What exactly these bags can do? Do we need to remove the original package of the food and then put it in the mylar bag? How do the oxygen absorbers work? etc.

This post will deal with the best practices and ideas to confidently seal your foods in these bags.

Original Packaging or Mylar Bags for Powdered Milk?

Powdered milk is one of the most common things people store. In an emergency where the market is far away or Fresh milk is hard to find, Powdered milk stored in a mylar bag can save the day. It can be mixed with water to make milk. That is why people keep it on hand. However, people are confused related to storing powdered milk in mylar bags. Like do we need to empty the powdered milk out of their store container right into the mylar bag or put the bags of powdered milk inside mylar bags? (it seems like bacteria from people’s hands would be sealed in the mylar bag that way!)

Do we need to Transfer the Powdered Milk From its Original Packaging to Mylar Bags?

For the best function of these bags, Yes it will be the best choice to empty the original packaging and transfer the milk into mylar bag.

These bags have an oxygen absorber. These absorbers remove oxygen within the bag and slow down the process of oxidation which leads to food spoilage.

Also, you might be concerned about the bacteria from our hands. Right?

This oxygen-reduced environment will affect the growth of bacteria which will make them die within some time.

Can Mylar Bags Keep My Gravy Pack Fresh?

Consumers are concerned with the freshness of their gravy mix. They are asking for tips to store gravy packs in either their original retailer envelopes or mylar bags to ensure their gravy packs are preserved.

The situation is the same as powdered milk. You have to follow this simple guideline.

Empty the gravy mix from the store envelope and transfer it directly into the Mylar bag with the oxygen absorber packet placed in. This absorber will help in the long-term run of the gravy.

What About Storing Beef Jerky in Mylar Bags?

Beef jerky is a great example to show the best food preservation function of mylar bags.

Dehydration affects the long-lasting time of beef jerky to remain fresh. Dehydration removes the most of moisture in the jerky. but there is a chance that there may be a small amount of moisture still present.

This process won’t work for the longevity of the jerky. Mylar bag will add a layer of dehumidifier to give the beef jerky a longer life.

Moisture Controlling Power

Mylar bags are excellent barriers to absorbing moisture. Even a slight increase in moisture can cause a damp, humid, and wet environment.

Transferring Raises Oxygen Problem

It is a known fact that dehydration breaks down the fats and will spoil the beef junky easily. When we transfer it to the mylar bags there will be less amount of oxygen that might get into the mylar bags. But the absorber will remove it in a short period of time and make your food last longer.

What About Storing Spices Like Curry Powder?

Spices add a delightful experience to the taste of our meals. It is important to store them in a perfect package so that they do not lose their potency.

I will add two reasons why to transfer spices into mylar bags.

Storing in Standard Environment

The curry bottles are made from glass. And glass fails to seal them with perfect airtight. This is why oxygen comes into the jar and spoils the spice. A small amount of oxygen can degrade the essential oils within the spices which will lead to losing the flavor. Store spices in the Mylar bag to ensure their safe and long-term storage.

The Opaque Nature of Mylar Bags

Some spice bottle companies are using dark-colored glass to minimize light exposure to spice products. It could be helpful for a short period of time. Instead, go for Mylar bags because of their opaque property. They block out light completely and protect your spices.

Confusions with Flours & Baking Powders packaging

Flours and baking powders are essential ingredients for baking enthusiasts. How do we handle these baking staples to last longer?

Let us discuss these items

Bleached Whole Wheat Flour, Bread Flour, and Cake Flour 

You can store these flours directly in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. No need to open the original bags. The packaging of these flours is typically designed to prevent moisture and oxygen ingress. so leave them sealed within the Mylar bag with oxygen absorbers to provide optimal storage.

Baking Soda 

This is generally fine in its original container when stored in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers.

Baking Powder

These items require a bit more attention. While some baking powder containers might be sufficiently sealed, it’s generally recommended to transfer the baking powder to the customized Mylar bag with oxygen absorbers. 

What is the reason? The aluminum container used for baking powder might not completely block oxygen, potentially leading to a loss of effectiveness over time. 


Mylar bags can be confusing for beginners! This guide breaks it down. We talked about how to store things like powdered milk, spices, and even baking supplies. By following these simple tips, you can transform your Mylar bags into long-term food storage champions, keeping your favorite foods fresh and delicious for years to come.

Ready to conquer premium quality Mylar bags and want long-term food storage? Head over to The Custom Packaging expert team. You will find everything you need to get started with the usage of custom Mylar bags

Don’t forget to share your Mylar bagging adventures and tips in the comments below!

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