Today’s post will be very practical. I want to shed light on bags, specifically Mylar bags. These are commonly used in the industry. Some people are moving a lot of units; they’re not going to get into boxes or tents. Bags are what they’re using, and I get that. But generally saying, I think there’s either misinformation or just the options haven’t been made clear. A lot of people are using traditional bags, a black bag, maybe a craft bag, and throwing a label on it. I think you can do better. And I know you can do better with custom Mylar bags.
This blog post will present a few different options, three options of bags that will make an impact and are more affordable than you think. If, at the end of the post, you like it, call us at 888-851-0765 or email us at support@thecustompackaging.com.
We’ll put all the information below and show you how to get beautiful custom bags that make an impact. Are you ready? Ready to do this?
Understanding bag options
We’re going to go over three styles of bags.
The first option is a soft-touch bag
This bag can be printed in two colors and would have a soft touch of varnish on it. The soft-touch varnish will be a little hard to explain because it’s literally the feel of the bag. It has a soft feel, aptly named. It can be applied as a varnish over things in other applications, not applicable to bags. There are soft-touch papers you can use for a box or something.
The soft touch bags are used in higher-end items. We’ve applied it to a bag. If you want to request a sample, let us know. We can inform you of the sample procedure.
Option 2 is the spot UV bag
This bag can be printed in two colors for more attractiveness. Choose the background color; metallic pink will be great down there. This bag also has what we call spot UV on it, a clear kind of varnish on the design, giving it a fascinating look when you move it. You can see how the light catches it up close. You can also do ink in conjunction with a UV.
Option 3 is a Kraft bag
This is a Kraft bag, a pretty popular item. When dealing with Kraft items, the ink gets absorbed more, so your colors won’t be as vibrant. A way to combat that is through a process called silkscreen. This bag has a silkscreen on it with a hot stamp over it. The effect produced by the ink and hot stamp together is very awesome. You can have the vibrancy of the color plus a little shine.
Please care about your brand
These are three options. We’ll also have some other options other than these. The bottom line with these types of bags is to think about who they are right for. Many of you guys at local dispensaries are just sending stuff out in bags. You might think whether you put it in a regular bag or a branded bag, It will make little difference. If building a brand is not important to you, maybe you’re right. But I still like the idea of having your name in front of people, in the person’s house, showing that you care about your brand and company. I think it makes an impact. For those who want to build a brand, I strongly suggest looking into something like this, ideally with the custom packaging. However, you may also do it in pairs. If you care about your brand, this will make an impact.
To conclude, there are different bag options beyond what you’re currently buying, more affordable than you think, and with lower minimums than you think. If you wish to develop a brand, it’s the proper move for you. By exploring alternatives like Mylar bags with soft touch varnish, spot UV, or craft bags with silkscreen and hot stamp finishes, you can move beyond traditional packaging and create a memorable impression.
Investing in customized packaging not only demonstrates your commitment to quality but also helps in building a recognizable brand that stands out in the market. Whether you choose to collaborate with the custom packaging or another provider, the key is to prioritize your brand’s visibility and identity. So, take the next step towards elevating your packaging, making your brand unforgettable, and leaving a lasting impression on your customers.